TALKSHOW DIGITALIZATION OF MSME MARKETING JATIN IKAFE FEB UA PEMKOT SBY(FEB NEWS) In an effort to empower micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the digital era, the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics (IKAFE) for Community Service, collaborates with the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) and the Surabaya City Government, held a talk show entitled "Transformation of MSMEs to Digital Marketing". This event is part of a series of activities for the 63rd Anniversary of FEB UNAIR, which aims to provide new insight into how businesses can develop and survive through digital marketing for 150 MSMEs assisted by IKAFE UNAIR, which will be held on September 7 2024.

Taking place in the Fadjar Notonagoro Hall, the event was opened solemnly by singing the song Indonesia Raya and the Airlangga Hymn, performed by the SMAN 17 Surabaya Choir. After that, the opening remarks were delivered by Saryudi, SE, as Chief Executive, followed by Dr. Zakik ​​Basalamah, SE, M.Si., Secretary General of IKAFE UNAIR. Next, Prof. Dr. Bambang Sektiari Lukiswanto, DEA., Drh., Deputy Chancellor for Academic, Student and Alumni Affairs Universitas Airlangga , gave an Opening Speech, in which he expressed his support for the IKAFE initiative in providing guidance to MSMEs. According to him, this activity is very important so that MSMEs can develop and survive with the times, and needs to continue to be accompanied by IKAFE UNAIR and the Surabaya City Government.

As the keynote speaker, Agus Imam Sonhaji, ST, MMT, Assistant for Economy and Development for the City of Surabaya, emphasized the importance of digitalization for MSMEs in facing the modern era. In his presentation entitled "Digitalization or Death", he underlined that businesses that do not immediately adapt to digital technology will be left behind and may not be able to compete in the market. "Digitalization is no longer an option, but a necessity. If MSMEs want to survive and develop, they must be ready to utilize digital technology in their marketing strategy," said Agus Imam Sonhaji. He also added that the Surabaya City Government is ready to support and accompany MSMEs so that this transformation process runs smoothly.

The talk show session which was the core of the event presented prominent speakers, including Dr. Dien Mardhiyah, SE, M.Sc., Coordinator of the FEB UNAIR Undergraduate Management Study Program, who explained his views on the importance of digitalization for MSMEs. Dony Febi Seto Putro, an MSME practitioner, also shared experiences and practical tips about effective branding and digital marketing. Ida Yayak, an expert in the licensing sector, complemented the discussion with material regarding licensing regulations and procedures for MSMEs. The discussion was moderated by Puji Sucia Sukmaningrum, SE, CIFP, who ensured that the atmosphere of the event remained interactive and dynamic.

The MSME participants who attended showed high enthusiasm throughout the event. They actively ask questions and are involved in discussions, exploring various aspects that can support their business development. The enthusiasm of the participants was increasingly felt until the end of the event, especially when there were various door prizes from Mr. Eri Cahyadi, ST, MT - Mayor of Surabaya in the form of household appliances that can be used as business capital, such as stoves, blenders, sausage grills, juicers and etc.

Through this event, IKAFE UNAIR, FEB UNAIR, and the Surabaya City Government hope that MSMEs in East Java can be better prepared to face the challenges of the digital era, increase their competitiveness, and be able to innovate by utilizing marketing technology that continues to develop.













