In order to help encourage transparent, credible and accountable government governance, the FEB Unair Master of Economics Study Program in collaboration with Transparency International Indonesia held a Public Seminar: "Socialization of the Implementation of the National PPK Strategy through Strengthening the Integrity System of Public Services and the Private Sector in the City of Surabaya". This seminar was held on May 4 2014 at the Mercure Hotel Surabaya.

Also present as resource persons at this seminar were the Mayor of Surabaya Tri Rismaharini, Secretary General of TII Dadang Trisasongko, Director of Gratifications of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Presidential Staff Office (KSP) and the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia.

"The City of Surabaya has succeeded in combining a High Corruption Perception Index and a Good Local Integrity System. The City of Surabaya can become a center for learning together with the implementation of a local integrity system as a new strategy for eradicating corruption at the district/city level," said Dadang Trisasongko, Secretary General of TII

Corruption has enormous social, economic, financial and political impacts. Income inequality is a real impact on corruption cases. Corruption does not only hinder certain groups' access to financial resources. Corruption hampers the distribution of welfare, so that prosperity is only enjoyed by certain groups.

"Corruption has a direct impact on fair business practices. As many as 1 in 10 survey respondents admitted that they lost tenders because competitors used bribes. The cost of bribery reached 6.5% of total annual costs," said Wahyudi M Tohar, Economic Governance Program Manager, Transparency International Indonesia (TII ).   

In an effort to make the eradication of corruption more effective, the government is targeting a CPI of 50 by the end of 2016. The Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is an indicator used by many countries to assess the effectiveness of eradicating and preventing corruption. The CPI score is in the range 0-100. 0 means very corrupt, 100 means very clean.

Transparency International Indonesia (TII) regularly measures CPI at the city level. And, encourage the implementation of the Local Integrity System (SILOKA) to make efforts to eradicate corruption more effective at the local level. It is hoped that the implementation of SILOKA can encourage the implementation of the National Integrity System (SIN) as a strategy to achieve the CPI target at the national level.

"The 2015 Corruption Perception Index for the City of Surabaya is 65. With this score, the City of Surabaya can be classified as a "clean" city. Surabaya's high GPA achievement is also accompanied by the local integrity system of the City of Surabaya which is also working well. Respectively The pillars of the local integrity system have high capacity, effectiveness, governance and role. This also shows that the functioning of a good local integrity system will contribute to creating a city that is free from corrupt practices "to become a city that is competitive and grows sustainably in realizing community welfare," said Wisnu Wibowo, Head of the Master of Economics Study Program, Universitas Airlangga .

In this case, the pillars of the local integrity system consist of the Regional Head, Bureaucracy, Legislature, Law Enforcement (Courts, Police, and Prosecutor's Office), Quasi-State Institutions (Information Commission and Ombudsman), State Audit Institutions, and Non-Governmental Institutions. (wis)