Get to know the figure of Sinta, an outstanding student who won 2nd place in the National Scientific Writing Competition

Sinta Fanidatus Solichah_FEB_Management 2020_042011233021


Universitas Airlangga (Unair) has once again scored brilliant achievements on the national stage. This time Sinta Fanidatus Solichah succeeded in achieving 2nd place in the National Industrial Engineering Festival (INTERVAL) Scientific Writing Competition which was organized by the Industrial Engineering General Achmad Yani University. Sinta Fanidatus Solichah (who is known as Sinta), is a New Student at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Management Study Program, Class of 2020, from the National Selection for Entry to State Universities (SNMPTN), and is also known to be active in participating in Campus Organizations, including the FEB UNAIR Student Legislative Body as Deputy Secretary. 2021 management period and Member of Reasoning UKM.

Starting from a hobby of participating in competitions, Sinta has great curiosity and always thinks critically, in order to create renewable, innovative ideas. The online learning method does not reduce her enthusiasm, but for Sinta, this condition can actually be used as an opportunity to gain experience, relationships, achievements and more.

Sinta said that the INTERVAL competition that was being participated in carried the theme "Environmentally Based Business Ideas in the Midst of a Pandemic". Furthermore, Sinta explained that, in formulating a scientific paper, she chose the Economics sub-theme because it was relevant to her major.

"The motivation for achievement is the desire to make one's parents happy and proud and to make the Alma Mater proud," he explained. "Apart from that, I want to gain as much experience as possible while still in my first semester and want to deepen my knowledge about writing," he added.

Sinta further explained that the scientific papers written were related to the importance of creating environmentally friendly business ideas, especially in the midst of the current pandemic, and were expected to become profitable business opportunities for the community.

 "Message to friends Universitas Airlangga , especially the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga , to always be enthusiastic about making achievements to bring a good name to our beloved alma mater," he concluded.



interval 2

interval 1

Interval Certificate