SURABAYA-Soon, the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Ikafe) Universitas Airlangga will have a magazine, Ikafe Magazine. Yesterday, Ikafe started introducing the magazine in the Road to launch at the Econo Free-day event, along with the car free-day on Jl. Darmo Surabaya, Sunday (5/3).

            Yesterday, Ikafe together with the management of the Faculty of Economics and Business and BEM FEB held an Econo Free-day (EFD). Present at the event was the Dean of FEB Prof.Dr. Dian Agustia, SE., MSi. Ak., Chair of BEM, and Chair of Ikafe, also Vice Dean II and III.

"This EFD program is a work program from BEM's external department and in collaboration with alumni, it is carried out every two weeks and there will continue to be changes in theme," said Rara, the person in charge of the EFD event, on the sidelines of the event. According to him, events like this need to continue to be held to increase the solidarity of the entire FEB academic community and stake holders. “Yes, there is no need to doubt the solidarity of alumni and faculty. "That's why this event is very busy," he said.

According to him, Ikafe has become a place for alumni to stay in touch. Various events are held, such as this CFD, also in the context of friendship. In fact, to increase this friendship, Ikafe Ikafe plans to create a magazine or Ikafe Magazine . "At EFD this time we are also holding a special event, a road to launching Ikafe Magazine." Rara added. The Econo Free-Day (EFD) event which was held today was quite lively. There is live music and a coffee booth .

According to the Dean of FEB, Dian Agustia, all FEB alumni have roles and responsibilities. Those inside are responsible for FEB from within, and alumni are responsible from outside. "This synergy will advance FEB," he said during the event. “FEB will not progress without synergy and togetherness. If we work together, everything will be easier." He also hopes that this event will be even more lively and will be attended by more academics and alumni.

This EFD event has actually been held for about four years. However, for the new BEM management, this is the first time and the theme is road to Ikafe Magazine . It is hoped that this EFD can help Ikafe to introduce and market its new magazine.

"It is hoped that Ikafe Magazine can become a medium for information from alumni. So, I wish you success and there will be no obstacles for launching Ikafe Magazine in the future," said Pak Yani, the current Chairman of Ikafe.

In its work, Ikafe Magazine collaborated with students, including those from the LPPM Sector. In this way, it is hoped that this collaboration can also continue to establish friendship and a medium for knowledge transfer between alumni and students. (tar/PM)