The visit from Deloitte Indonesia, in order to collaborate with FEB Unair, included guest lectures and training by Deloitte as well as various international competitions held by Deloitte to improve the ability of Unair students to compete on the global stage.

The deputy dean for field 3 FEB Unair, Mrs. Nisful Laila, sees this collaboration as very strategic in order to increase students' opportunities to hone their skills, not only in the field of auditing, but also in the fields of taxation, cyber risk, accountability and mergers and acquisitions.

On the other hand, the Head of the Accounting Department, Mr. Agus Mardijuwono, agreed that cooperation must continue to be established, considering that Deloitte is a strategic partner of the accounting department for the last ten years.

Through this collaboration, it is also hoped that the curriculum taught at Unair will continue to be updated with input from practitioners.
