Title : Cognitive And Social Psychological Drivers Of Private Label Brands Purchase Behavior

Authors :
1. Muhammad Ali Ahmad
2. Sri Hartini
3. Gancar Candra Premananto
4. Ansar Abbas
5. Andrianto Widjaja
6. Andrianto Widjaja
7. Tina Melinda

Department : Management

Journal Name: Journal of Positive School Psychology

Kinds of Journal :

Keywords: Crockery Cognitive Drivers, Social psychological Drivers, Intrinsic Cues, Extrinsic Cues, Utilitarian Attitude, Hedonic Attitude, Purchase Intention.


Purpose: The main purpose of the current study is to describe the behavioral intention of private label brands through cognitive and social psychological stimuli with the use of stimulus organism response (SOR) model. We use cognitive and social psychological drivers/cues to check the impact on bi-dimensional attitude approaches such as utilitarian and hedonic attitudes. Private label brands purchase behavior is investigated through utilitarian and hedonic attitudes in our study.
Design/methodology/approach: We collect data from two leading retail stores including Metro Cash & Carry Faisalabad and Lahore and Chase up Multan. Probability systematic sampling technique is used for data collection. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is run for reliability and validity and structural equation modeling (SEM) is used to check the relationship of hypotheses.
Findings: Two cognitive drivers including familiarity and perceived value are not supported to current study whether price, perceived risk, packaging, store image, cleanliness and friendliness are supporting the study. This study is also supported by utilitarian and hedonic attitudes.
Practical implications: This study develops new views in the form of important drivers through behavioral intention toward private label brands becoming possible. These drivers can be used by policy makers to increase private label brands output.
Originality value: Many studies used TPB and TRA using one-dimensional attitude for theoretical building. For strong theoretical building, the SOR model is used with bi-dimensional attitude in private label brands purchase behavior context.

For details : https://journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/9506