Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco.SE.,MBA.,Ph.D.


This study aims to determine the strategic position of a construction service company. Internal environmental factors are categorized into strengths and weaknesses of the company while external environmental factors are categorized into opportunities and threats then IFE and EFE analyzes are carried out.
At this stage researchers analyze external and internal environmental factors that have been identified and categorized previously. In analyzing the problem used the analysis method of The Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) Matrix and The External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Matrix by using The Internal-External (IE) Matrix to determine the company's strategic position.
The researcher conducted an interview with the main resource person, namely the President Director of PT Sarana Marga Perkasa to determine the weight and rating of each internal and external factors so that the weighted total score and the company's strategic position were obtained. The researcher also extracts additional information to obtain additional data about the elements of the strategy needed to deepen the analysis of the formulation of the strategy that will be carried out by the researcher.
Furthermore, based on the strategic position the researcher wants to find out what the right strategy to develop in an effort to improve competitiveness in order to win business competition in the field of construction services.
After obtaining a strategy choice based on its strategic position, the researcher further deepens the research question to determine the elements of the choice of strategy. Researchers use a Diamond strategy formulated by Donald C. Hambrick and James W. Fredrickson to produce answers to questions that include arenas, vehicles, differentiations, staging and economic logic.
By describing the five elements of the strategy, starting with answering questions about arenas and differentiators. Vehicles are also considered an important element because these dimensions describe how a company can achieve its objectives by using arenas and selected differentiators. Then, Staging and Pacing are needed to build a strategy. Economic Logic, as the last step in the process of formulating a strategy, summarizes how the other four elements work together to maximize profits and increase stakeholder satisfaction. Thus the recommendations produced are comprehensive so that they are expected to become a tool for the company in achieving its objectives.

Keywords: construction services, IE matrix, diamond strategy.

Source: http://mm.feb.unair.ac.id/id/kemahasiswaan/article/article-ilmiah/825-formulasi-strategi-daya-saing-besar-jasa-bangun-pt-sarana-marga-perkasa. html