Dr. Praptini Yulianti, SE., M.Sc.


Individual behaviors that are discretionary, not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system, and that in the aggregate promote the effective functioning of an organization (Organ, 1988).
Therefore, the encouragement is required to motivate each individual to have extra-role behavior or organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of clan culture on
organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) with affective organizational commitment as intervening variable.
The sample of this research is the employees of School Center staff. The data in this study was obtained through observation and spreading of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used in this research is partial least squares (PLS) and sobel test to test the effect of mediation. The results of this study show that clan culture has a significant positive
effect on affective organizational commitment and affective organizational commitment has a significant positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior both OCB-I and OCB-O. Affective organizational commitment has been shown to have a full effect of mediation on the influence of clan culture on organizational citizenship behavior. This study has implications that affective organizational commitment is one of the most important elements to improve the organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in an organization.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Clan Culture, Affective Organizational Commitment, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB).

Source: Influence commitment-as-intervening-variable-in-employees-school-x-surabaya.html