Muamalah Fiqh Study (KAFILAH 3) feat Amil Goes to Campus



Source person  :

1. Drs. Syamsul Bahari (Head of Regional Office of the East Java Ministry of Religion)

2. Muhammad Yusuf (Fozwil East Java)

3. Abdul Ghofur (Director of Mandiri Amal Human)

4. Rizki Okto Priansyah (Executive Director of Laznas BSM)

5. Sofie Beatrix (Motivator and Book Author)

6. Agung Wicaksono (FoSSEI National Presidium)

Amil Goes to Campus is a seminar on the amil and zakat profession initiated by Mandiri Amal Insani in collaboration with the National Islamic Economic Studies Silaturrahmi Forum (FoSSEI) and  the Association of Sharia Economics Studies (AcSES) which was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga on May 15 2018 yesterday. Carrying the theme "The Urgency of Zakat on the Economic Welfare of the People", the event with the keynote speaker Drs. Syamsul Bahri as Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion for East Java Province, and a talk show session by speakers who are competent in their fields including Muhammad Yusuf (Chair of the East Java Regional Zakat Forum), Abdul Ghofur (Director of Mandiri Amal Human),   Erwin Setiawan (Fundrising Laznas BSM Umat ), Agung Wicaksono (Presnas FoSSEI), and Sofie Beatrix (motivator and book author).

            The Amil Goes To Campus seminar took place from 08.00 WIB to 13.00 WIB with 200 participants attending. Participants were dominated by Universitas Airlangga students and some participants came from university students spread across East Java. During the activity, the enthusiasm of the participants was very high, as seen at the end of the activity, many participants were increasingly interested in the amil profession.

            In this activity, participants had the opportunity to get to know Amil's profession more closely and dig deeper into the potential of zakat which has not been fully optimized in Indonesia. In general, many students are not yet interested in the amil profession because they do not think they have a bright future. Apart from that, many students do not know about the potential of zakat, which is one of the Islamic monetary instruments.

            The Muslim population in Indonesia reaches 88% of the total population of Indonesia, so if you calculate it, the potential for zakat in Indonesia is very large if it can be managed well. However, currently this potential cannot be maximized because many people are not aware of the importance of zakat other than zakat fitrah, and the number of zakat managers is still low. Therefore, a lot of competent human resources are needed to develop the existing zakat potential. "So that one day there will be a large and professional zakat institution that is at ministry level and will be able to make a big contribution to the Indonesian economy," said Muhammad Yusuf.

            Seeing these various potentials and problems, according to Agung Wicaksono, the role of students in society is as iron stock, agent of change, guardian of values, moral force, and social controller. Students are considered figures who understand the importance of zakat, the correct zakat mechanism, so that they are able to socialize it to the community to create dynamic zakat distribution in order to achieve the realization of zakat civilization in Indonesia.

            At the end of the session, participants received motivation and encouragement from the motivator and book author, Sofie Beatrix, she said that any profession is actually good, but there are several professions that are very good because they are included in the Al-Qur'an, namely the Amil zakat profession. So the output produced from this event is the hope of the organizing committee and all speakers that in the future students and the entire community will care more about zakat management in Indonesia so that they can optimize all existing potential in order to realize an advanced and civilized Islamic economy. .