Title: Relationships Consumer Characteristics and Perceive Business Ethics of Creative Industry in Indonesia: Study of Y Generations

Authors: Gancar Candra Premananto, Jovi Sulistiawan, Sri Hartini

Affiliations: Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research


Business ethics index is important in global industry. This paper analyzes consumer relationships characteristics and perceives business ethics in creative industry. Consumer characteristics to cover consumer sentiment, consumer confidence and consumers' demographics. Perceive Business ethics was measured in personal past, vicarious-past, personal-future and vicarious-future dimensions. Consumer sentiment and consumer confidence were measured based on economic conditions in the future expectations. Purposive sampling was used in this study and questionnaire distributed among 136 consumers of creative industry. Statistical results show that Gender, Religion, Ethnicity, and Age have no relationship to the perceived business ethics, but monthly income has a significant relationship to perceived business ethics. The finding indicates that consumer sentiment has no relationship to perceived business ethics, but consumer confidence has a significant relationship to consumer perceived business ethics.

Sources: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322401968_Relationships_consumer_characteristic_and_perceive_business_ethics_of_creative_industry_in_Indonesia_Study_of_y_generations