Title: Accounting Education Based on Finance Record Training to Increase Revenue from SMEs in Tamansari, Banyuwangi-Indonesia

Authors: Tutut Apriliana, Triyan Rediyanto, Vennia Indriyani, Anak Agung Gde Satia Utama

Affiliations: Accounting Department, Economic and Business Faculty, Airlangga University, Indonesia

Publisher: American Scientific Publishers


This paper examined about accounting education to SMEs. The role of accounting education in SMEs is to improve the ability to see business conditions as well as to determine the productivity of the business. Business productivity can be seen from how much income is earned by the business. Many SMEs in Tamansari Banyuwangi have not yet known how to calculate net profit clearly. So, the purpose of this research was to describe the role of training based accounting record of financial statement easier implemented for SMEs Tamansari. It was an effort to increase revenue from SMEs in Tamansari Village. The method used in the research is qualitative descriptive. The results showed that SMEs in Tamansari village perform properly recording financial statements, will obtain a net profit on business activity is much greater. The role of accounting education in particular recording the correct financial statements will affect the income of a business.

Keywords: Business Productivity, Financial Statements, SMEs

Sources: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asp/asl/2017/00000023/00000009/art00158