Title: The Effect of Transformational Leadership Climate on Employee Performance with Positive Affective Climate as an intervening variable (Study in the Human Resources Division of PT. Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali Surabaya)


Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



As globalization develops so rapidly, performance improvements become very important to observe. Company management is basically a human management process. Therefore, it also needs to be managed well in order to produce high performance, especially for employees in the company. This involves a transformational leadership climate in Human Resource Development (HR). This research was conducted at the HR division of PT. PJB Surabaya with the aim of testing and analyzing the significance of the influence of Transformational Leadership Climate on employee performance as well as to test and analyze the significance of the influence of Transformational Leadership Climate on performance with Positive Affective Climate as an intervening variable. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that all employees in the HR division of PT. PJB Surabaya have felt that their leaders in the organization have been involved in transformational leadership behavior well. Apart from that, positive affective climate functions as partial mediation. In other words, positive affective climate has proven to be very helpful in implementing this transformational leadership climate. This proves that increasing employee performance is strongly supported by a transformational leadership climate and a positive affective climate felt by employees.

Keywords: Transformational Leadership Climate, Positive Affective Climate, Employee Performance.


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/39562