Author: Tony Gunawan

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



PT Swadaya Graha is a subsidiary of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. operates in the construction services sector, namely steel fabrication, civil contractors, mechanical & electrical contractors, heavy equipment & construction rental, workshops & manufacturing, developers, maintenance services, and engineering bureaus. The problem faced by PT Swadaya Graha is the increasingly decreasing profits faced by the Management of PT Swadaya Graha. The decline in profits at PT Swadaya Graha is the basis for measuring performance from a financial perspective (profitability and margin) only, such as the balance sheet, profit/loss and other financial performance measurements in the financial reports. PT Swadaya Graha also measures performance on the strategies that have been determined. However, until now PT Swadaya Graha does not have a performance measurement tool that has a causal and interrelated relationship. Based on the problems above, the problem formulation in the research is how to strategically plan and prepare the performance management system of PT Swadaya Graha. This research aims to create a Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard as a management performance measurement tool at PT Swadaya Graha. By mapping existing strategic issues to achieve the goals set out in the company's Budget Work Plan (RKAP), and on the basis of this strategic mapping, strategic steps are determined that can achieve these goals. By using the Balanced Scorecard model, it is hoped that PT Swadaya Graha's management performance can be more easily measured and can compete in current businesses so that it will be easier to achieve the vision and mission that have been set. This research uses an exploratory qualitative approach using the case study method. Data was obtained from interviews and questions circulated to PT Swadaya Graha employees. In order for PT Swadaya Graha's objectives to be achieved, the company in assessing its company performance is not only measured from the financial aspect, that to measure the company's performance in the future, it is easier to evaluate the measurement of performance targets to be achieved in the short term and long term. comprehensive which includes four perspectives, namely finance, customers, internal business processes and learning and growth, which have a cause-and-effect relationship and are interrelated. A performance measurement model that not only covers finance, but also non-finance is the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion carried out by researchers, it can be concluded that PT Swadaya Graha has carried out the process of preparing a Vision, Mission and Strategy in a structured manner, but its performance measurement still focuses on finances only and is not fully oriented towards strategies that have causal and mutual relationships. related. Apart from that, it is still not understandable and understood by employees. Because the vision and mission still do not (do not) meet the general characteristics that must be possessed, changes are needed to the vision, mission and strategy to be able to answer the challenges of future business development. Researchers suggest that the Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard will make it easier for PT Swadaya Graha management to implement and measure the company strategy that has been set by management and will be easier for employees to implement.

Keywords: Strategy Map, Balanced Scorecard, PT Swadaya Graha


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/39451