Title: Implementation of Islamic economic system in Arek cultural society

Authors: Renny Oktafia, Sigit Hermawan,  Imron Mawardi, and Raditya Sukmana

Affiliations: Department of Sharia Economics, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universidad del Zulia


The purpose of this study is to show the application of Islamic economics in the reality of cultural society in their daily economic activities, in general cultural society has a unique system to organize their life, based on local wisdom that is upheld by the society through the generation . This article will explain that local wisdom is part of al-urf, one of ushul fiqh methods to determine the legal status of an act in shari'a perspective. The researchers used qualitative research, the data were obtained through in-depth interviews, and observations with informants representing important figures. The final result of this study shows that there is much evidence that the implementation of the cultural economic system of Arek society in Malang Regency that was carried out by the community is in accordance with the principles of Islamic economics.

Keywords: local wisdom, economic activities, Islamic economic system.

Sources: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85063320340&origin=inward&txGid=f375d4bc59c779451cbfd54d429f8977#