Title: Re-planning and Controlling Construction Projects Using Critical Chain Project Management and Root Cause Analysis to Achieve Lean Construction (Construction Case Package 3 (Machining) Ahm Karawang

Author: Oktaviano Rendy Prasetyo

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



Delays in work and variability in each work process. Because the nature of the project is sensitive to change and specific, planning is not easy and there tends to be deviations in its implementation. Construction projects have high risks so there are many important factors that influence the results of a project which are called the 5Ms, namely man, money, material, method and machine. However, this is not the only thing that must be of concern to construction companies, the uncertainty of environmental conditions, both internal and external, must be the main focus for companies to minimize waste. Recently, a new project scheduling method has been developed that is used to handle uncertainty, namely critical chain project management (CCPM). every problem that occurs there is always a cause behind it, this requires careful and structured identification, so an analysis is needed that is able to see the root of the problem, namely by using root cause analysis (RCA). In scheduling, a well-known and often used control method and technique is the Earned Value Concept, namely where this method will analyze the time period that has been used compared to the plan so that it can be easily seen if there are deviations between the initial plan and the reality on the ground. , where the results will be used to review the performance of an activity (schedule control system criteria). Based on the results of schedule development using the Critical Chain Project Management method, the critical path produced by the first master schedule using CPM (Critical Path Method) is no longer needed, due to the absorption of the critical path by the project buffer, whose function is to reduce the critical path. Through the Critical Chain Project Management and Root Cause Analysis methods, companies can optimally use the lean construction concept where this method is able to represent the basic properties of lean.

Keywords: Critical Chain Project Management, Root Cause Analysis, Earned Value Management, Project Management, Project Constructions


Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/id/eprint/33604