Title: Design of Employee Performance Assessment for System Implementation at PT AST Global Solusindo
Author: Nurwitha Ayu Tri Hapsari
Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)
Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia
Publisher: Universitas Airlangga
PT AST Global Solusindo is a company that operates in the field of selling Property Solution Software Systems, where in practice employee performance assessment still uses very simple and subjective performance assessments, which are only based on daily employee behavior. Apart from that, employees also do not understand the standards and targets set by management because they are not written clearly, which ultimately causes employees not to receive proper feedback and appreciation for their performance so far. This research aims to create an individual performance assessment design in the system implementation division at PT AST Global Solusindo based on the work results (Results) and work behavior (Behavior) approach. This research is an exploratory research using a qualitative approach based on a case study. The types and sources of data used are company archive records and documentation, interview reports and direct company observations. The key informants used were directors and employees in the system implementation division. The results of this research are individual performance assessments for system implementation division employees at PT AST Global Solusindo which include assessment of work results (Results), assessment of work behavior (Behavior) and strategies for implementing individual performance assessments at PT AST Global Solusindo.
Keywords: performance management, job specification, results approach, behavioral approach.
Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/39586/