Title: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Good Governance on Operational Performance Through Business Process Management as an Intervening Variable in Small and Medium Enterprises, Surabaya Batik Center

Author: Marannu Massudi Sumule

Item Type : Thesis (Thesis)

Affiliations: Master of Management Science Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya, Indonesia

Publisher: Universitas Airlangga



The current era of globalization is spurring all countries to advance all sectors in that country, including Indonesia. One of the efforts made by the government is to provide opportunities for development for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) while empowering them. This research wants to see the relationship between Entrepreneurial Leadership (leadership with an entrepreneurial spirit) and Good Governance (governance) from UKM owners on Operational Performance (operational performance) of UKM itself by placing Business Process Management as a mediating or intervening variable in 67 hand-written batik UKM units in Surabaya . The questionnaire was processed using the PLS analysis tool. Entrepreneurial Leadership is an important aspect in SMEs because a leader plays a role as well as being an owner, where these two things are different but must be balanced. Good Governance is governance that is no less important in UKM and is related to responsibility for the sustainability of the UKM itself. Operational Performance is an achievement from the management of Entrepreneurial Leadership and Good Governance, the results of which become an evaluation of future planning. Business Process Management is an inseparable thing in this management, where business process management is the strategies that will be carried out by SMEs for value creation. Entrepreneurial Leadership itself has a direct influence on Business Process Management and Operational Performance. Likewise with Entrepreneurial Leadership, Good Governance has a direct influence on Business Process Management and Operational performance. Different from the previous variables, in this research Business Process Management has no influence on Operational Performance, which means that Business Process Management does not mediate Entrepreneurial Leadership and Good Governance on Operational Performance.



Sources: http://repository.unair.ac.id/7007/