Author : Alwiyah
Item Type : Thesis (Dissertation)


The declining condition of the written batik industry in Sumenep Regency has caused the author's interest in conducting this research. This research aims to describe the history of the written batik industry, illustrate the production process, analyze the backward and forward linkage of the written batik industry, and analyze the factors inhibiting and driving the development of written batik in Pakandangan Barat Village, Sumenep Regency in the era of regional autonomy. This research is qualitative research using primary and secondary data obtained from interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) as well as theoretical and empirical studies related to batik. The informants consisted of craftsmen, entrepreneurs, consumers, cultural figures and policy makers related to the hand-written batik industry in Sumenep Regency, totaling 23 informants. The production and distribution process in the hand-written batik industry in West Pakandangan Village, Sumenep Regency consists of three main elements, namely input, process, output, and is supported by three other elements, namely suppliers, consumers and the government. All batik processes are still carried out in traditional ways. All raw materials are obtained from Surabaya except natural dyes which can be obtained from around West Pakandangan Village. Batik making is a side job carried out by people for generations. Each stage of the production process is carried out by different craftsmen (specialization). The marketing strategy is still traditional, not using a marketing mix strategy and not utilizing technology for promotion. Backward linkage analysis shows that there is a correlation between entrepreneurs and suppliers and craftsmen. Forward linkage analysis shows that there is a correlation between entrepreneurs and consumers and competitors. The SWOT analysis produces a Diversification Business Strategy, namely the entrepreneur's expertise can be passed on to young craftsmen to always work, providing motivation to young craftsmen to love and be proud of Sumenep handwritten batik, maintaining motifs with the characteristics of Sumenep handwritten batik, improving the quality of promotions by utilizing information technology, and improving the quality of more innovative batik designs. The management of the batik industry is still managed conventionally, not yet optimal in the use of technology. The regional government only makes efforts to assist and provide assistance to batik craftsmen which is partial and sectoral, not comprehensive and holistic. Regional autonomy should open up opportunities for local governments to develop regional and local policies to optimize the utilization of economic potential in Sumenep Regency.

Uncontrolled Keywords: Written batik, Sumenep, backward and forward linkage, SWOT, regional autonomy.


Source : http://repository.unair.ac.id/71877