IMG 1460

WEBS Unair is again holding its annual agenda, namely the Innovative Entrepreneur Discussion (DISCOVER). This year's DISCOVER Seminar was held on 27 October 2018 at Graha BIK IPTEKDOK, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya with the theme "Creativology". This DISCOVER seminar invited several guest stars who have specializations in the world of "Creativology" including Bintang Putra (Strategic Planner SKALE Creative Space), Prisa Kandora (Entrepreneur & Gapura Digital Facilitator), Ditto Percussion (A musician, writer, content creator, and Co-Host Sarah Sechan NET), and Ayudia Bing Slamet (mother, content creator, photographer). This year's DISCOVER seminar is expected to be able to provide enthusiasm and motivation to the young generation who will move into the fields of entrepreneurship and "Creativology".