Diponegoro Financial National Competition (DEFINE) is an annual event held by the Economic Finance Study Club (ECOFINSC), Diponegoro University. This year's define agenda carries the big theme "Indonesian Financial Sector Strategy in Facing a Disruptive Business Environment ". This theme was raised to explore ideas for strengthening the financial sector in an era of disruption.

There are several series to determine the champion in this competition. The first stage is writing the abstract. At this stage, participants who pass have the right to proceed to the next stage, namely the stage of sending the full paper . At the selection stage, the top 50 abstracts were taken towards the full paper . full paper selection will leave 10 teams as finalists.

    The teams that qualified for the ten DEFINE finalists were 4 teams from the University of Indonesia, 2 teams from Gajah Mada University, 1 team Universitas Airlangga , 1 team from Diponegoro University, 1 team from the Stiami Institute of Social Management Sciences Jakarta, and 1 team from Satya Wacana Christian University. Representatives from Universitas Airlangga are Retno Wulan Dari (Management, 2015), Arintis Wahyu Susanti (Accounting, 2015) and Zahro Ubaydilla (Islamic Economics, 2017). The ten finalists from various universities were required to create posters to be published on Instagram DEFINE 2018. This poster publication was intended to introduce the ideas of the ten finalists. The finalist with likes will receive an award as the team with the best poster .

    Next, the ten teams went through the final round which consisted of a case study by the Semarang Financial Services Authority, paper presentations and debates. Case Study is a description of a solution to a problem whose material was previously explained by the OJK. Participants are required to create solutions in the form of a mind map. Then the mindmap is presented before the jury.

A paper presentation is a presentation of the written work that has been created. Participants are given time to present their work for 8 minutes and then the judges will respond to it within 12 minutes. The final stage of the DEFINE competition is the debate round, the debate is carried out by all the finalists. Previously, all finalists were required to write a debate essay to prepare arguments for the motion that had been given by the committee. During the implementation, the 10 finalists were randomly divided into five motions, each motion had a pro team and a con team.

    From a series of challenges passed by the finalists, an assessment is accumulated. The final results of this competition were 1st place won by the University of Indonesia, 2nd and 3rd place won by Gajah Mada University. Hope Champion was Diponegoro University and Best Speaker was Gajah Mada University, while Best Poster was won by the Stiami Institute of Social Management Sciences, Jakarta.