On September 1-14 2019, 10 students from the Faculty of Economics and Business from the Department of Economics, namely Fawaid Kiki Usman (2015), Maulana Ridho A (2015), Shafira Ramadhani (2016), and Theresia Nova D (2016), and 6 students from the Department Management, namely Nirwanda Nila Sari (2016), Emerentiana Diantika (2016), Anastasia Beatrice (2016), Patricia Debyanti S (2017), Refah Jihan Adyani (2017), and Indira Wedar P (2017) took part in student outbound activities to Mahidol University, Nakhosawan Campus (MUNA) in Thailand in a series of 'Tripartite Entrepreneurship Camp 2019' events with 9 students from Chongqing Jiatong University (CQTJ), China.

The activities which lasted for two weeks were said to be very busy, because the student delegation took part in activities such as: Welcoming party, visit to the Buddhist Temple, Organic farm, Fish Farm, Old City Market, attended a 3D Printing Technology class, visited the MUNA Veterinary Clinic and carried out blood pressure checks. blood at MUNA Hospital with the latest equipment, visited several MSMEs in Nakhonsawan and attended Sit in Class for Thai language classes and entrepreneurship classes where students from FEB Unair, MUNA and CQTJ gathered and discussed economics and business in their respective countries . Apart from that, there are other activities, namely story telling with a lecturer from FEB Unair, namely Mrs. Tri Siwi Agustina with the title "Socialpreneur and Storytelling as the Strategy of Social Enterprise", a class on economics using a Buddhist approach with speaker Dr. Wanna Prayukvong who is a lecturer at Mahidol University. Finally, the delegation participants presented the culture of each country with the aim of introducing their respective cultures.

There was a lot of experience gained from the activities that took place during these 14 days, both in terms of academic experience and non-academic experience as well as opening relationships to make many friends from Thailand and China. It is hoped that by carrying out this activity, good relations between delegations and universities will remain strong. The delegates from FEB UNAIR hope to meet again with fellow delegates from both Thailand and China. They also hope that in the future they can collaborate to establish business relations with Thailand and China.