Mosaic (Moslem Student Association of Economic & Business Faculty) just held a Sharing with Mosaic (BBM) activity on Sunday (2/9). Located at the Makam Rangkah Learning Park, Kapas Krampung, Mosaic wants to share happiness and education for the children there. This activity is one of MOSAIC's work programs (proker) which is routinely held every year. This time MOSAIC is collaborating with the community that cares for street and marginalized children, Natha Aruna. Rangkah Tomb Learning Park was the location chosen. Because, this learning park has been under the guidance of the Natha Aruna community for a long time.

In this activity, the educational aspect is emphasized more. Bearing in mind, the children there have not received special attention regarding education. Many children become workers at an early age. Apart from school, they also help their parents earn a living. For example, selling newspapers on the streets around the campus area.

To attract children's enthusiasm, MOSAIC invited a storyteller who is familiarly called Kak Awan. Sure enough, when the fairy tale started, the children seemed to be watching carefully. The storyteller's expressive gestures and facial expressions managed to restore a cheerful expression throughout Kak Awan's story.

Not only that, they also follow the story sequence well. This was proven when the committee asked several questions after the storyteller finished the story. Almost all the children raised their hands, scrambling to answer. Apparently, they were able to answer all the questions correctly.

The event continued with word games. The commotion that occasionally arises sometimes makes it quite difficult for the committee to restore a conducive atmosphere. However, on the other hand, the committee admitted that they were happy to see the children's enthusiastic response throughout the event.

At the end, the activity closed with the distribution of prizes and taking photos together. The committee also gave additional prizes to children who were able to answer questions and state the Pancasila principles correctly.