“And those who believe, men and women, some of them become helpers for others. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil, perform prayers, pay zakat and they obey His Messenger. They were given mercy by Allah and verily Allah is All-Mighty, Most Wise.” (QS. At Taubah: 7)

Mosaic on Vacation (MoV) is an activity carried out by a combination of the PSDM (Muslim Resource Development) division and the MDPR MOSAIC (Moslem Students Association of Economic and Business Faculty) bureau to conduct an external working visit and comparative study to connect and strengthen Ukhuwah Islamiyah between fellow MOSAIC administrators and the Islamic Spiritual Society outside Surabaya. Apart from work visits, in this series of MoV events, a trip is also scheduled (Arabic: الرحلة ‎, literal meaning "Travel") to one of the recreation areas to experience nature and also aims to reduce fatigue from organizational activities.

This MOV was carried out in the midst of MOSAIC management, precisely on Sunday, September 22 2018 in Malang City, East Java. During this period, Islamic Spiritual Studies outside Surabaya were carried out at SKI Forstilling, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University, Malang. This activity was also held as a comparative study which discussed the problems of campus da'wah along with the methods and techniques for spreading da'wah among the campus academic community. To begin with, it opened with an introduction between MOSAIC and Forstilling FEB UB, then continued with a discussion of the problems of da'wah between each, packaged in a group discussion forum. From this activity, we can strengthen the Islamic brotherhood between MOSAIC and Forstilling FEB UB and improve a strong Islamic climate, not only by getting to know each other, but also by understanding each other and lightening each other's burdens by exchanging knowledge and experience in da'wah efforts in the community environment. campus academics.


Apart from external work visits and comparative studies with SKI FEB UB, MOSAIC also carried out rihlah or trips to the Batu Night Spectacular (BNS) located in Batu City, East Java which also aims to relieve fatigue in the midst of managing the organization. During the journey and realization of this rihlah activity, ice breaking in the form of games that were interesting and entertaining and had the essence of brotherhood. This is intended to strengthen harmony and cohesiveness of MOSAIC's internal members. Apart from holding games , there was also a small presentation of material by the MOSAIC Cadreization Council or the General Chair and Head of the 2016 MOSAIC Division regarding the importance of maintaining ukhuwah and internal cohesion which was intended as advice so that the cadres who would continue the da'wah relay could make MOSAIC even better in the future.

As time goes by, the current of globalization is increasingly dragging, fewer and fewer people are aware of the importance of maintaining religion and faith. The problem of da'wah is becoming increasingly complex in this era of globalization, but it cannot be used as an excuse to reduce the spirit of da'wah among Campus Da'wah Institutions in upholding the religion of Allah, calling for what is right and preventing evil from the campus academic community. " There will come to mankind a time when people who hold fast to their religion are like people who hold onto burning coals." (HR. Tirmidhi no. 2260)

Author: Reza Rahmania Putri