The event is in celebration of one of the major Catholic holidays, namely Christmas. The event will be focused on family, even though it has a party theme. This is understood as the essence of Christmas which includes togetherness and warmth within the family. One of the obligatory agendas at a Christmas party is Christmas mass or worship and eating together. Possible additional agendas are the handover of internal positions if the election of chairman has been carried out before the Christmas party and the exchange of gifts as a sign of sharing happiness.

The 2021 PKK Christmas Party activity will be held on Saturday, December 18 2021. The 2021 Christmas Party will be held online via the Zoom application. All participants and preparation committee will log in to Zoom at 18.00. Participants will be waited until 18.30 to join the zoom provided. After that, the event will continue with the opening of the event and Christmas worship. After that, the event continued with remarks from the chairman of the PKK for the 2021 period and also from Catholic lecturers. The event continues with games which will be played via online media. The event will close with a closing prayer and group photo. It is estimated that at 20.30 the event will be finished.