NBCC is a business problem solving competition that is participated in by undergraduate students in Indonesia, which is one of the sub-events at MEXPO 2018. This competition is held per team where one team consists of 3 people. This year NBCC has the theme "Industrial Revolution: How to Survive in The Fast Change and Different Environment ."

The registration process begins in June. Then it continues with the preliminary round in August. Of the 20 teams that passed the preliminary stage, 8 teams will be selected for the final quarantine stage in Surabaya. The 8 teams include UI, ITB, BINUS, ITS, UGM and UKP. The final round started on Saturday, 20 October 2018 at the Tirto Hall FEB UNAIR then continued on Sunday 21 October 2018 at the Parlinah Hall of Campus B UNAIR Library and an awards night in Marvell City.

This year's NBCC winners were the Teratai Team (UGM) then the Kenzie Team (ITB) and the Factory Team (ITB). With the existence of NBCC, it is hoped that female students in Indonesia as the nation's successors will be able to think critically and be able to find effective solutions.

Source : http://himamanajemen.feb.unair.ac.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=109 :nbcc-2018-how-to-survive-in-the-fast-change-and-different- environment&catid=8&Itemid=108