
  Management Got Talent (MGT) is a new work program for the HIMA Bachelor of Management Study Program in the form of a talent search audition whose participants are all active management undergraduate students. 

This year, MGT auditions were held on September 26 and awards on October 15. MGT 2018 this time was filled with a variety of talents, including interesting ones such as dance, band and singing. The winners of the 2018 MGT were Wahyu Rais Agung class of 2017 as 1st place winner, and Nofian Anggi Pradana class of 2017 as 2nd place winner. The 2018 MGT winners had the opportunity to showcase their talents at the top night of the Management Expo 21 October 2018.

Source: http://himamanajemen.feb.unair.ac.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=108 :management-got-talent&catid=8&Itemid=108