Business Visit Singapore-Malaysia 2018 is a work program carried out by the Universitas Airlangga Undergraduate Management Student Association under the auspices of the Universitas Airlangga Undergraduate Management Department. The 2018 business visit was held on 14-17 October 2018. This activity was attended by 29 students from various generations, both undergraduate management and transfer students. BV participants visited several important agencies in Singapore and Malaysia. The first visit was carried out at the Port of Tanjung Ppanjang (PTP) Johor Bahru Malaysia. This port is the busiest port in Malaysia, especially Johor Bahru. There, BV participants, as Universitas Airlangga management students, were invited to go directly and see how operational activities were carried out at the port, how PTP responded and managed incoming and outgoing ships, and learned how the business processes were carried out by PTP.

On the second day, participants visited the Port of Singapore Authority, which is the largest container port in Singapore. According to data, this port is the second busiest port in the world after Shanghai, China. By relying on super sophisticated technology and also the existence of several regions owned by PSA in dividing each region according to the field or category of goods transported, we were invited to have a discussion at the PSA tower to see firsthand how operational activities are carried out by the busiest and largest ports. in Singapore.

On the last day (third day), participants visited Marina Barrage Singapore. Marina Barrage is a dam created to regulate the entry and exit of water in Singapore. Apart from being a dam, the Marina Barrage also has a room containing Singapore's future plans regarding environmental issues, including environmentally friendly waste management.

The hope of this program is that participants are expected to be able to learn about the operational activities of a company, the business processes carried out by the company, and the implementation of technology in the company. These three things are the subject of several courses in the Bachelor of Management study program Universitas Airlangga .