The 2018 Business Visit (Kubis) is a visit to companies around Universitas Airlangga which is intended for all 2017 Universitas Airlangga Management Students. The 2018 Business Visit (Kubis) was held for four days on April 17 2018 at PT. Coca-Cola Amatil, April 20 2018 at PT. Surya Pratista Hutama (SUPRAMA), April 27 2018 at PT. Yakult Indonesia Persada, and April 9 2018 at PT. Fresh Nature Partners. The company distribution system is divided according to the Introduction to Management course class and the quota of each company. On April 17, the first day of the visit was attended by 59 students consisting of some of class K with accompanying lecturer Mrs. Ratri Amelia. On April 20, the second visit was attended by 138 students consisting of classes G, H, I, and J with accompanying lecturer Mrs. Chorry. Then the third day of the visit on April 27 was attended by 48 students from class J, K and English Class (EC) with accompanying lecturer Mr. Widyo. The last day, April 9, was attended by 39 class J students with accompanying lecturer Mr. Hardi.  
The 2018 Business Visit (Cabbage) activities began with welcoming remarks by company representatives and university representatives by accompanying lecturers. Students were warmly welcomed by company representatives. After that, it was continued with a tour of the factory. Students saw firsthand the production and packaging processes of the company and were given an explanation by the accompanying tour guide. Each company really maintains the hygiene of its production. After the tour is finished, students are given the materials that have been provided. They also receive prizes in the form of products that can be consumed directly. Finally, the event closed with the presentation of souvenirs in the form of plaques from Universitas Airlangga and small gifts in the form of factory products produced by the company..