Upgrading KOPMEP Management is one of the work programs of the Universitas Airlangga Development Economics Student Cooperative. This activity is a routine program that is held once a year as an activity aimed at providing training to new management of the Development Economics Student Cooperative. The provision in question is an introduction and approach between the core management and daily management regarding KOPMEP itself. With this provision, it is hoped that it can increase familiarity and form solid relationships between administrators. This activity was carried out at Villa Hartika Trawas, Mojokerto and took place from March 9 to March 11 2018. It started on Friday afternoon and ended on Sunday afternoon.

The program for this activity began with the gathering of all the management of the Development Economics Student Cooperative and reading a prayer led by the Deputy Chair of KOPMEP 2018 Retisia Rismadani at the Faculty of Economics and Business Building Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya before finally leaving using the vehicle provided by the committee. When they arrived at the activity location, the committee prepared all the necessities for the Upgrading Opening. The opening of the 2018 KOPMEP Upgrading was marked by the delivery of remarks by the Head of the Human Resources Development Division (PSDM) Ajeng Kartiko Dewi as a representative of the General Chair of KOPMEP and KOPMEP supervisors who were unable to attend.

After the opening ceremony was over, the committee prepared dinner. Then it was continued with a Friendship Night where at this event all the administrators were placed in a hall. This event aims to build friendship and increase the sense of kinship between administrators. The Friendship Night itself contains simple games involving all the management who had previously been divided into several small groups. The event starts at 20.30 WIB and ends at 22.30 WIB. Next, all administrators are invited to rest.

The next event on the second day begins with morning exercise in the form of group Ceria Gymnastics which takes place from 05.30 WIB to 06.00 WIB and

followed by all administrators. After that, preparations for breakfast are carried out by each predetermined cooking group. The event continued with outbound activities carried out in an open field not far from Villa Hartika. Outbound activities consist of several field games which aim to build solidarity between management groups. This activity starts at 08.30 WIB and ends at 12.30 WIB. Furthermore, all administrators were allowed to clean themselves, pray together and eat lunch. At 14.00 WIB, the upgrading activities continued with an inauguration event. The inauguration itself is an obligation for each group to give a performance that has been chosen by the committee. This event was opened with the reading of the winning conditions by the Chief Executive of Upgrading 2018 Veronike Lutfi Ardhiya RP, the activity ran smoothly and ended at 18.00 WIB which was followed by personal cleansing, prayer together and dinner. After that the activity continued with a Sharing Session between administrators. At this Sharing Session, the Daily Management Board provided several explanations regarding the KOPMEP vision and mission that will be implemented that year. Apart from the presentation from the BPH side, the Sharing Session activity also provided an opportunity for all administrators to convey their opinions or views, both regarding the upgrading event itself and the impression of the message and hopes for other administrators and upgrading in the next management. Sharing Session activities ended at 21.00 WIB.

The last day of the 2018 KOPMEP Management Upgrading was filled with cooking activities together by several female administrators who were part of cooking groups. After that, there was a breakfast together which took place at 07.00 – 07.30 WIB. Next, at 07.30 – 09.00 WIB there is a Division Sharing activity. Division Sharing is an activity to exchange information and opinions from each division head to its members. This activity itself also aims to strengthen the commitment of each new administrator to the division they have chosen so that during their management period they can make maximum contributions. After that, it continued with the reading of the nominations and giving prizes to the winners of the inauguration which had been carried out previously. This event took place at 09.00 WIB and ended at 09.30 WIB. Next are activities to clean yourself and prepare to go home. The last activity before returning to Surabaya was taking a group photo with all the management. And

This was followed by a prayer reading led by the Deputy Chairperson of KOPMEP 2018 Retisia Rismadani before finally the 2018 KOPMEP Management Upgrading Activity closed. At 10.30 WIB the entire series of upgrading activities officially ended and all management returned to Surabaya.

This is the entire series of KOPMEP 2018 Management Upgrading events which have been prepared and can run according to the rundown and estimated time available. However, it does not rule out the possibility that there are still shortcomings regarding this event. Therefore, it is hoped that the KOPMEP Management Upgrading event in the following years can provide better activity innovations and provide optimal incentives to equip each new management of the Development Economics Student Cooperative.


Source: Hima EP News