The Working Meeting of the management of Universitas Airlangga Islamic Economics Student Association is a program held for the new management of HIMA EKIS UNAIR 2019. This event itself is a work program of the 2019 PSDM Division, which was held on Friday 8 February 2019 at the Mindrowo Hall Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . The purpose of holding this event itself is to introduce what work programs will be implemented by all Divisions, Bureaus and BPH while the management is running and to provide input for each Division and Bureau for the work programs they will implement during the current year. The enthusiasm of the HIMA EKIS 2019 management to take part in this event can be said to be quite high, this can be seen from the participants who attended reaching 90% and the punctuality of the participants was very good so that the event could run according to the schedule that had been made and ended appropriately. This event went smoothly, starting with the reading of the holy verses of the Koran, followed by remarks from the chairman of the working meeting and the chairman of HIMA EKIS for the 2019 period. The presentation of the work program was started by the Finance Bureau until midway through the event the Chairman of the Department of Islamic Economics was brought in to give a presentation. welcoming speech, namely Mr. Dr. Raditya Sukmana.SE., MA. The speech contains information about how the management of the Universitas Airlangga Islamic Economics Student Association carries out existing work programs. The event continued with a presentation of the work program leading up to the midday call to prayer. After the Friday prayer break, the event continued until before Asr prayer time which was closed by a presentation from the Daily Management Board. It is hoped that by holding this event, every HIMA EKIS administrator for the 2019 period will be able to find out and provide critical suggestions to each division and bureau in HIMA EKIS which can improve the perfection of their work program.