STUDENT OUTBOUND 2022: Doctoral Students in Islamic Economics Visit Malaysia


Malaysia is one of the pioneer countries that supports the development of global sharia finance. Malaysia also plays an active role in becoming one of the world's sharia financial learning centers by establishing study programs related to sharia finance at well-known universities.  


The Department of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga (FEB UNAIR) has collaborated with universities in Malaysia. This collaboration is an effort to improve the quality of tri dharma collaboration in higher education in the form of academic peer lists, joint research, and deepening of research sources for FEB UNAIR students.


Student Outbound 2022 is a program that provides PhD students in Islamic Economics with the opportunity to enrich their knowledge related to dissertation topics so that they can improve the quality of their dissertations. This program will be held on 3 - 7 October 2022 by visiting 3 universities, namely INCEIF University, Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia (UiTM), and Islamic Science University Malaysia (USIM). This activity was attended by 1 student, namely Clarashinta Canggih, who will deepen the material/issues related to Islamic Wealth Management.


This activity also helps Universitas Airlangga achieve SDGs point number 4, namely Quality Education, because this activity aims to develop potential and broaden students' horizons as well as a technology transfer event in accordance with their study program. By participating in the Student Outbound program, students can meet students and academics from various countries in the world.