Ramadhan With Ekis or commonly known as GRWE is an annual agenda held by HIMA EKIS UNAIR Public Relations. This event has two sub-agendas for this year, namely Breaking Fast with EGD and Sahur On The Road (SOTR) targeting the wider community. The purpose of this event is to provide an opportunity for EKIS to preach to the community, to practice the tri dharma of higher education and most importantly to seek the pleasure of Allah SWT.


This year's SOTR was carried out by combing the streets of Surabaya with the entire Islamic Economics family from the 2014-2017 class. And each participant paid 25 thousand with details for the participant's own food, the rest was donated to break fast with EGD and to be distributed to people in need on the street as a sign of the spirit of sharing. This year SOTR took the route starting from campus B UNIVERSITAS AIRLANGGA continuing to Manyar market, then Jalan Jagir, turning to Wonokromo market and continuing to the marginal village terminal and ending at Taman Bungkul as a photo spot. After finishing at Taman Bungkul, participants were directed to campus B to enjoy sahur and were treated to performances by EKIS students themselves.