Seminar and Sponsorship Training is a work program of the HIMA Islamic Economics Finance Bureau, Airlanga University. This year, the theme was "Take a Change to Get Sponsorship", held on March 12 2018, at the Mindrowo Unair Hall. There were two speakers at this event, namely:


1. Lina Nugraha Rani SE., M.SEI (Unair Islamic Economics Lecturer) provided general material about sponsorship and taught how to make proposals as attractive as possible.


2. Hermawan Aries Andi (Head of Region

The aim of this event is for students from the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, to gain good and correct sponsorship knowledge and be able to practice it in real life. Basically, running an event requires parties who help make the event a success, such as sponsors. The sponsor did not immediately agree to the proposal we submitted. There are many considerations that the sponsor needs to think about. Therefore, there needs to be changes both in terms of proposals and speaking procedures.