Research Day: Developing Student Scientific Culture from an Early Age


“This religion and country were built with the black ink of ulama and the red blood of martyrs. So, write as a form of your Islamic economic jihad." (Science, 2018)

Research Day or which is an acronym for RD is one of the Scientific Division's work programs in the field of exploring the ability to write scientific papers for Islamic economics students, Faculty of Islamic Economics, Universitas Airlangga . RD is a forum for students who are interested in Islamic economics to improve their intellect and abilities in the process of achieving the common goal of grounding Islamic economics in Indonesia through scientific writing. In 2018, RD collaborated with the Introduction to Islamic Economics course which included the assignment of writing a scientific paper. Welcoming her with open arms, Mrs. Ria as PJMK for PEI courses was very enthusiastic and advised students taking PEI courses to take part in Research Day to practice their writing skills.

Taking the theme "Achieving Sustainable Development Goals Through Implementing The Maqashid Al-Shariah" , Research Day wants to increase the sensitivity and critical attitude of Islamic economics students regarding topics that are currently hotly discussed among Indonesian students who care about the welfare of the people to achieve a just economy. This year's RD was held on Monday, 14 May 2018 in the Mindrowo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . Long before the main event was held, assessment and selection of student written work had been carried out. There were 67 works that took part in the committee's strict selection.


Different from Research Day in previous years, this year the series of RD events are full paper and final presentations. Final Research Day will be attended by the 10 teams with the highest scores who will present their work in front of the jury. Of the 10 teams that made it through to the final round, there were several Islamic economics students who were not among the second semester students taking PEI courses. There are also students who are writing and presenting for the first time in front of an audience . Anxious, embarrassed, afraid to become one because according to the RD finalists, written presentations are much different from presentations in class which are still fairly ordinary.

The jury for the Research Day full paper selection to the final presentation is Mas Zakka Farisy (Ekis 2014), Mas Muhammad Nabil (Ekis 2014), Mrs Ria (PJMK PEI), Mas Roby (EKIS Alumni and Lecturer at UIN Ampel Surabaya) and Mr Eko Fajar Cahyono (PEI Lecturer). With a very tight selection, finally the three finalists with the best scores managed to become champions of Research Day 2018. 1st place was won by Mas Fatoni Mahendra's team (Ekis 2014), 2nd place was won by Zahro Ubaydilla's team (Ekis 2017), and 3rd place was won by the team Nur Azizah (Ekis 2017).

expected output Research Day is that Islamic economics students are able to express creative ideas and practice their writing skills from an early age. This is of course in line with the expectations of the Department of Sharia Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , which requires students to write journals as a judicial requirement. Apart from that, with Research Day , Islamic Economics students are also expected to be able to be critical of economic problems that are currently hotly discussed and need to find solutions.