C:\Users\Bio\Documents\Word\Lecture Assignments\ACLUB\AYC\Poster AYC.jpg

Accounting Youth Community (AYC) is a PSAK discussion and discussion community for internal undergraduate students in Accounting Universitas Airlangga which was held on 17 May 2019 and 1 November 2019. The aim is to train, facilitate and increase Accounting students' knowledge about discussion forums and PSAK which are standard for accountants in Indonesia. For discussion forums, theme selection will be determined as the object of study to be discussed. It starts with the moderator who reads out the general object of the discussion study and will be responded to by the participants consisting of the pro team and the con team. During the discussion study, the note taker will take notes and draw conclusions at the end of the discussion.


Accounting Youth Community will be held twice in 2019 where the first AYC was held on 17 May 2019 February 2019 in class 206. Participants who registered were 28 students consisting of the classes of 2016, 2017, and 2018. PSAK was discussed at AYC 17 May 2019 is PSAK 14 regarding inventory. Then the second Accounting Youth Community will be held again on November 1 2019.


The following is documentation of the Accounting Youth Community activities:

C:\Users\Bio\Documents\Word\College Assignments\ACLUB\AYC\AYC 1.jpg