D:\Ultimate\Downloads\EAC's Poster.png[E-RADIO ANNOUNCER COMPETITION 2021]
Go to the market looking for money.
Don't forget to buy roasted corn.
Hello everyone
, how are you?
What do you know about E-Radio Announcer Competition (EAC)?

EAC is an annual E-Radio competition which operates in the field of announcer and broadcasting. With the theme,
"*Be Smart Content Creator for the Better Indonesia's Media*"

Timeline Batch 1: 29 September-14 October 2021
Batch 2: 15 October-29 October 2021
Submission of works: 29 September-29 October 2021
Announcement: 13 November 2021

????Registration fee????
Batch 1: Rp. 20,000
Batch 2 : Rp. 25,000

1st Place
Benefits 1,000,000 2nd place: certificate + coaching money Rp. 600,000
3rd place: certificate + coaching money Rp. 450,000
Expectation 1: certificate + coaching money Rp. 250,000
Expectation 2: certificate + coaching money Rp. 200,000
Apart from the prizes above, you will also get interesting knowledge and experience from our judges, Sis Anton @antonpradhana_ and Sis Vina @vinnachristie
How?? Very cool, right? What are you waiting for, register now!!!
Registration link and booklet
Registration link: http://bit.ly/RegistrasiEAC2021

Booklet link: http://bit.ly/bookleteac2021

More information:
Cp 1: Izah
WA: 0813 1556 8446
Cp 2: Auvi
WA: 0821 4366 8719
LINE : auvii
So, Let's Join with us!
#lombanational #lombapodcast #lombaannouncer #lombamahasiswa #EAC2021 #contentcreator #Eradio2021 #lomba #publicspeaking #kompetisinational  #mahasiswamalang #mahasiswasurabaya #mahasiswaindonesia