In the midst of the hectic UTS, on October 6 2018, E-Radio held a social service themed event located at the Rodhiyatul Jannah Kenjeran Orphanage. This Work Program is a Work Program that is held every year. It is not only activities in the world of broadcasting, public speaking and announcing that we are involved in, but we provide a form of our concern for others who need it more by holding social service events which we call E-Radio Action. Our target for these 3 years is children in orphanages. And this time our destination is the Rodhiyatul Jannah Orphanage.

The event started at 15.45, we BPH and E-Radio Staff came to the Rodhiyatul Jannah Orphanage with great pleasure. Arriving there, we were welcomed by the children from the orphanage and the women who took care of the orphanage. The first event took place with remarks by the chairman of E-Radio Hans Christian Nanlohy, then followed by the chief executive from the Public Relations division Indria Ramadhani. After that we provided entertainment and games to the children at the orphanage. They really enjoyed the event we held. The feeling of happiness can provide something like this even though it is not so luxurious. After playing together, we held a sharing session with them. Don't forget, we also provided knowledge about the world of radio and they really liked it when we showed them how to become broadcasters. After our sharing session, we offered Maghrib prayers together and then ate together with the food we had provided. Don't forget, we also give them small merchandise in the form of small notepads and pens for them to use for writing. After that we took photos together and at 19.00 it was time for the closing ceremony.

It's great to be able to share with them and share knowledge of course. We also realize that life is not always about having fun. There are times when we have to share with people who need it more. Hopefully this event will always exist and never end because sharing is a beautiful thing.