HRDT documentation

The event "HRD-T BEM FEB UNAIR 2019" was held on March 23 2019 in
Lecture Room 211, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , Surabaya.
In its implementation, the event went smoothly without any significant obstacles. The
participants were very enthusiastic when taking part in the event. This can be seen from the participants' activeness
in answering the speaker's questions and in the discussion session
"HRD-T BEM FEB UNAIR 2019" is a series of events aimed at
developing the potential of human resources in the Feb Unair 2019 student organization.
It is hoped that after participating in the "HRD" event. -T BEM FEB UNAIR 2019", the management of
human resources at the Feb Unair 2019 ormawa became more harmonious and could resolve
problems regarding HRD in each Bem Feb Unair 2019 ormawa.