This year's 2nd Indonesian Economic Student Forum Congress was held on 16-18 November 2018 in Palembang with Sriwijaya University as the host. This congress brought together the BEM Faculty of Economics delegation, which consists of member universities that have joined the FMEI. Namely, there are the University of Indonesia, Gajah Mada University, Bogor Agricultural Institute, Padjadjaran University, Sebelas Maret University, Brawijaya University, Yogyakarta Negri University, Sriwijaya University, North Sumatra University, Jendral Soedirman University, Diponegoro University, Mulyawarman University, Telkom University, Universitas Airlangga , and SW Christian University.
This time the congress raised the big theme "Examining Premature Deindustrialization in Indonesia to Increase the Growth of the Manufacturing Sector". The delegates representing BEM FEB Universitas Airlangga this time were M. Zhaki Aliffian Ardana (MNJ 17) representing the chair forum, Rahmad Kurniawan (EP 17) representing the external forum, and Avina Azza Kamilia (EP 17) representing the cast member forum.
The FMEI Congress was opened at the Sriwijaya University Postgraduate Building. A welcoming dance was performed to warmly welcome the delegates. Greetings from the executive chairman, BEM chairman, and rectorate representatives which ended with the beating of the gong indicated that the FMEI Congress event had officially opened. The raising and planting of the BEM flag carried by each university is also a routine momentum. Followed by free time for delegators to prepare themselves for a small forum in the afternoon.
The next activity was carried out directly at the Avalon Hotel, Palembang. Starting from a small forum which is divided into 3 parts, namely the chairman's forum, external forum and castrate forum. The results of the discussion in this small forum will be brought to the General Conference which will lead and determine the realization of follow-up actions. It is not enough to hold it all night, this Grand Deliberation ended at 2 am 17 November 2018 and will continue in the afternoon.
On the 2nd day of the FMEI Congress event, it began with a brainstorming which was accompanied directly by representatives of the dean and an RTL was held which was directly attended by Dr. Agung Firman Sampurna, SE, M.Si as State Financial Auditor 1 BPK RI. The discussion was carried out by following up on the results agreed upon at RTL Mubes 1, namely by discussing the direction of financial transparency for regions in Indonesia, especially campus financial transparency.
As a result of the Mubes, several points were agreed upon which were aimed at the Ministry of Industry. But unfortunately, the Ministry of Industry failed to come to follow up on the results of this congress. So, the results of this Mubes agreement will be taken by each delegation to their region to be conveyed to the local government. The closing of this forum ended with the signing and stamping of each BEM as a sign of approval and responsibility for the joint decision.
This congress activity ended with a field trip to several beautiful places in Palembang. The delegates were also taken to Jakabaring Stadium, which is the venue for the 2018 Asian Games athletes to compete. One by one the delegates returned to their hometowns carrying mandates related to the RTL results that had not been followed up.
The hope of this congress is to show the enthusiasm of young people who are able to think critically and provide solutions to problems that occur in Indonesia, especially in the economic sector. Get to know other campuses as a means of exchanging ideas to mutually advance each campus with a positive image.