FEBULOUS is a symbolic form of unity among the citizens of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University. In its implementation, Febulous prioritizes aspects of togetherness and kinship without looking at students' backgrounds in order to realize FEB SATU! AIRLANGGA JAYA!

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This positive movement is a form of support for FEB students who are fighting for the name of FEB UNAIR both on campus and outside campus.

The Febulous series itself started with crowd gathering, chant classes, and support actions. Febulous was formed and introduced in 2017 and implemented in 2018. The implementation process began in August through PIKMEN 2018 (the name of FEB new student cadre formation). The aim of Febulous itself is to answer the problems at FEB recently, namely the lack of a unifying forum at FEB so that the sense of ego of each department is very high.

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"What Febulous contributes to student life at FEB is not just fanaticism, but happiness in brotherhood, the parameters are simple, namely gestures." - Gilang Yudhistira, Head of the Arts and Sports Department BEM FEB 2018

With the existence of FEBULOUS, it is hoped that it will be able to arouse students' feelings of gratitude towards the Faculty of Economics and Business where students were initially met, as well as fostering a sense of enthusiasm for FEB SATU! AIRLANGGA JAYA! so that it always echoes loudly.

Author: Rifki Fardian Damanhari

Source: http://bem.feb.unair.ac.id/bem/bem-news/162-febulous-unair.html