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The study is a work program of the Department of Strategic Studies and Action (Kastrat) which aims to analyze existing phenomena both within the FEB UNAIR campus and regionally from East Java to Nationally. Each study is divided into two categories, namely incidental studies that are in line with current issues and studies by the Indonesian Economic Student Forum (FMEI). The study process is preceded by a discussion to determine the direction of the formulation that will be discussed so that it can elaborate on problems and solutions, as well as criticize economic phenomena and government policies to provide understanding to the wider community, especially students of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB).

In one period of management, the Kastrat Department has made several studies related to BEM work programs, namely E-week and problems with the national economy such as the weakening of the rupiah exchange rate, a portrait of the East Java economy, and the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

1. Study of the E-week Joint Work Program


2. Opinion regarding the ratification of UUMD3


3. Opinion on celebrating women's day


4. Study dissecting the electability of the 2018 East Java gubernatorial election


5. Review Student Loans


6. Dissect the economy of East Java

http://bit.ly/Membedah_Per Ekonomian_Jatim

7. Study of Joko Widodo's achievements


8. Study of the weakening of the rupiah Part 1


9. Study of the weakening of the rupiah Part 2


10. Latest East Java Economic Study

http://bit.ly/Kajian_Per Ekonomi_Jatim_Terkini

Apart from that, the merger of BEM FEB with FMEI resulted in several studies, namely:

1. http://www.fmeindonesia.org/peran-government-via-kementrian-kelautan-dalam-menghadapi-revolution-industri-4-0/

2. http://www.fmeindonesia.org/optimization-infrastructure-pedesaan-guna-menghadapi-revolution-industri-4-0/

3. http://www.fmeindonesia.org/peran-stakeholder-dalam-optimization-e-commerce-pada-sektor-agraria/

4. http://www.fmeindonesia.org/reindustrialization-as-bayaran-deindustrialization-prematur-untuk-sererapan-tenaga-kerja/

Source: http://bem.feb.unair.ac.id/bem/bem-news/155-kajian-bem-fakultas-