Prabu Adhikari : The Workshop is a work program of the Scientific Department of BEM FEB UNAIR, the activity carried out is in the form of an online webinar with two speakers who have different views or arguments which are expected to add new insight for FEB UNAIR students. The workshop will be held four times, namely on 3 April 2022, 5 June 2022, 6 August 2022, and 11 September 2022. The workshop is here as a forum to help FEB UNAIR students deepen their insight, form an accomplished personality, and have a mindset that is open to create an environment that supports their achievements. 

In the midst of globalization and increasingly high competition, FEB UNAIR students are expected to be able to increase their spirit of achievement in academic and non-academic fields, according to their potential. Therefore, the main theme that we are promoting is "Break Your Limit to be Limitless" which is expected to provide a spirit of motivation to continue to grow and as a reminder that the path to success for each individual is not the same, each person has a different way, time and parameters to achieve success. achieve success.

This event will be divided into two large sessions, namely the Talking Room and the Discussion Room. The talk room will later be guided by a moderator by providing responses through questions given to the two speakers and responding to each other. Meanwhile, the discussion room is an opportunity that we provide to several FEB UNAIR students (sharasehan participants) to ask resource persons or share their opinions regarding the topic being discussed.