Law of the Republic of Indonesia no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System in Article 12 paragraph (1) b states that every student in an educational unit has the right to receive educational services according to their talents, interests and abilities. For this reason, students who are the nation's next generation need to be equipped with adequate abilities so that the nation's assets are able to compete in the global era.

However, in reality education in Indonesia does not run smoothly, one of which is due to limited funds. Like the problems experienced by many students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga , who are less fortunate from an economic perspective. To overcome this problem, sometimes assistance in the form of Scholarships and Bidik Misi does not fully overcome the cost problems experienced by students.


Therefore, the Student Welfare Department of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga is holding an assistance program for students who really need help in economic terms, namely From and For FEB (DUF).

In the From and For FEB activities, a new system will be implemented apart from the DUF box. Namely with the help of a Kesma Agent who wears a pin with the identity of the Kesma Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Business to become a facilitator in fundraising, selling souvenirs whose benefits are used entirely for DUF.


From the results of fundraising within the FEB Unair student environment, the total funds collected amounted to IDR 4,000,000. For each recipient, the DUF consists of choices made by the respective heads of the Faculty of Economics and Business Student Associations with the criteria that have been discussed.