Starting from Monday (24/09) to Friday (28/09), the Department of External Relations of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) held a Study Companion and Campus Visit , or usually abbreviated as Stucovis . As the name suggests, Stucovis is an annual event involving BEM FEB UNAIR members to visit BEM other campuses and various agencies in a number of big cities. Of course, this is not the first time Stucovis has been held. Previously, last year, Stucovis was held with a variety of destinations that were no less cool than now, namely DPR, PT. Astra International, CNN Indonesia, and BEM FEB Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta. This year, Stucovis back to present several new destinations, including the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (Kemenko), Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), IDX, BEM FEB University of Indonesia, BEM FEB Diponegoro University, and PT. Sidomuncul, Tbk.
Stucovis began a series of visits on Tuesday (25/09) at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs (Kemenko). With Dr. Edi Prio Pambudi (as Assistant to the Department of Monetary and Balance of Payments), members of BEM FEB were invited to explore many things about the monetary economy in Indonesia, even to experience the atmosphere of a presentation in an important meeting room at the Coordinating Ministry. The visit was relaxed; BEM FEB UNAIR members learned new information regarding the balance of payments and monetary policy which was explained in detail and in detail. The event ended with the distribution of small pieces of paper, on which BEM FEB UNAIR were asked to write their hopes for the Indonesian economy in the future. Through this visit, BEM FEB UNAIR had the opportunity to submit an economic study bulletin by the Strategic Studies and Action (KASTRAT) department of BEM FEB UNAIR.
The second visit was at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia. Here, BEM FEB UNAIR has the opportunity to exchange insights with BEM FEB UI. The visit began with a presentation by the Heads of BEM and then continued with a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) according to the department. Through FGD , members of BEM FEB UNAIR and BEM FEB UI can share experiences and information about their respective work programs. This is clearly very beneficial for BEM FEB UNAIR in the future, especially regarding the desire to always improve the performance of BEM FEB UNAIR itself.
On the second day, Wednesday (26/09), the next visit took place at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). There, Mr. Achmad Budi Setyawan (as Basic Assumptions Projection Subdivision, Center for Macroeconomic Policy, Fiscal Policy Agency) presented very useful material on the topic "Economic Development, 2018 APBN Performance, and 2019 RAPBN". His presentation was also accompanied by clear data and graphs to support the accuracy of the information. The visit here was very quiet; BEM FEB UNAIR members have the freedom to ask questions, especially regarding current economic policies. The results obtained from this are new insights related to the risks and challenges of the global economy, strategies for improving Indonesia's balance of payments, and exposure to current economic problems. Through this visit, BEM FEB UNAIR also had the opportunity to submit a study bulletin prepared by the Strategic Studies and Action (KASTRAT) department of BEM FEB UNAIR.
The visit then continued to IDX (Indonesia Stock Exchange) or what is commonly known as the Indonesian Stock Exchange. In this modern building, BEM FEB UNAIR members received very useful information regarding the importance of investing, in this case saving in shares. Guided by one of the famous speakers, Mr. William Surya Wijaya, as Head Analyst at PT. Asjaya Indosurya Securities, BEM FEB UNAIR received a detailed explanation regarding stock savings activities. Mr. William Surya Wijaya also expanded his material by relating current economic issues, starting from the fall of the rupiah against the dollar to the effects of politics on the economy. As usual, the question and answer session during the presentation was relaxed: BEM FEB UNAIR members took advantage of this useful opportunity to continue asking questions, making the duration of the question and answer session longer.
On the last day, Thursday (27/09), Stucovis moved the location of their visit to Semarang, Central Java. The first visit was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Diponegoro University. There, BEM FEB UNAIR had the opportunity for a comparative study with BEM FEB UNDIP. The series of events took place in the same way as visits between BEM in general. The BEM Chairs from each university were invited to make presentations, explaining the organizational structure and general work programs, before finally forming a Forum Group Discussion (FGD) per department. During the visit, the two BEMs were able to exchange ideas and information regarding the work programs they were undertaking. Of course, all of this happened in the hope of continuing to improve BEM FEB UNAIR's knowledge so that it always grows better.
At one o'clock in the afternoon, members of BEM FEB UNAIR then set off at their final destination Stucovis , PT. Sidomuncul, Tbk. There, BEM FEB UNAIR was immediately warmly welcomed by Mrs. Hermin Esti Setyowati, as Head of the Public Relations Section. The BEM FEB members were then invited to tour the PT factory. Sidomuncul, observed the complicated process of making herbal medicine, starting from selecting herbal plants which must meet the criteria, laboratory tests, to packaging the product itself. The tour doesn't just stop at the factory, but adds a short walk to the PT agrotourism. Sidomuncul, where BEM FEB is allowed to see the animal collection while enjoying the beauty of the surrounding park. The highlight of the visit then ended at their herbal medicine cafe. Here, the closing of the event took place accompanied by a glass of drink from PT products. Sidomuncul which is provided free of charge to BEM FEB UNAIR. Of course, during the question and answer session, BEM FEB UNAIR members did not stop asking their curiosity about PT. Sidomuncul.
the Study Companion and Campus Visit ended. Hopefully, through this series of events, BEM FEB UNAIR can gain broad insight which will later be useful for improving the performance of BEM FEB UNAIR itself. This is no exception in order to realize students' desires as agents of change . See you at Stucovis 2019!