Friday, February 8 2019, the student activity unit of the Association of Sharia Economic Studies or what is often known as AcSES carried out a Work Deliberation as the first work program for the 2019 management period. Not only was it the first work program, this Work Deliberation was also the first step to establishing a mutual brotherhood. AcSESSOR 2019. This activity, which was attended by approximately 70 participants, took place in the Soepoyo Hall, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Airlangga . The Work Deliberation itself is a mandatory activity at the start of the management which aims to prepare, agree and inform the Assessor of all work programs that will be implemented in the next year.

The Work Deliberation started promptly at 08.00 WIB and was opened by Sandi Prabowo and Tengku Andini from the HRD Division as MC. Then continued by singing the songs Indonesia Raya, Hymn Airlangga, and Mars Fossei. Followed by the reading of the holy Qur'an, remarks from Maulana Izzul Haq as Chief Executive of the 2019 Working Conference, remarks from Hasbi Ash Shidiq as Main Director of AcSES for the 2019 period, delivery of divisional work programs led by the presidium, alignment of work programs led by the AcSES Director 2019, and finally closed with a prayer reading by M. Najib Rahman.

The Working Deliberation actually ended at exactly 11.30 WIB, but at 13.00 WIB participants were expected to return to the Soepoyo Hall to carry out the next activity, namely the Welcome Party. The Welcome Party is an activity that aims to welcome, introduce and familiarize new AcSESSORs with the Daily Management Board and Cadre Board. The Welcome Party activity was guided by Sandi Prabowo from the HRD Division and Widya from the RnP Division. The welcome party event is made as interesting and relaxed as possible so that AcSESSOR can enjoy the event and feel comfortable at AcSES. Starting with the performance of Risa Aulia and Muhammad Suffian Efendi who collaborated on violin and acoustic guitar, then Devita Swandayani's melodious voice was accompanied by guitar music by Aji Prasetyo and Muhammad Suffian Efendi. The event continued with games which aimed to familiarize all acSESSORs so that they were not divided into their respective divisions. The event closed with an exchange of gifts, a message from the Main Director of AcSES, and a group photo session.