SCIENTIFIC WRITING LEARNING GROUP (KBKTI) is one of the work programs of the AcSES FEB UNAIR Research and Paper (RnP) division. KBKTI aims to facilitate students in competing in various writing competitions ranging from regional to international levels by providing a forum to get to know and learn more about scientific writing. KBKTI has two main targets, namely students and the general public. To achieve this target, KBKTI is carried out several times in one management period targeting internal AcSES participants and external (general public) participants.
KBKTI presenters are people with experience in the field of writing, ranging from winners of various writing competitions, to lecturers. Through KBKTI, participants who are students and the general public will receive training that will improve their skills in competing and writing useful scientific papers, and can be applied in society in line with SDGs point 4, namely quality education.