

Saturday, 17 November 2018 was the last day of the 2018 ACSES agenda for the 2018 management period where the 2018 AcSES Grand Conference (MUBES) was held at the Soepoyo Hall. The Mubes that day began with the singing of the song Indonesia Raya, the Airlangga Hymn, and Mars Fossei as well as the reading of verses from the holy Koran. This was followed by an orderly hearing led by the temporary presidium, namely Samsul (Development Economics 2017), Adit (Accounting 2017), and Sufian (Islamic Economics 2017) who were AcSES 2017 staff. This was then continued with the AD/ART and accountability report session for the Science division, Public Relations and Communication, Research and Paper, Islamic Business, Human Resource Development, Core Daily Management Board, and Cadre Board. The session was chaired by the permanent presidium of the 2018 AcSES intern staff. Then it continued with the MPO meeting chaired by Sigit (Director of AcSES (2018) to elect the AcSES director for the 2019 mandate period. After quite lengthy deliberations, Hasbi Ash Shiddiq (Development Economics) was elected. 2016) as director of AcSES for the 2019 mandate period. The Mubes ended with a joint prayer.