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Knowledge without charity is madness, and charity without knowledge is waste

  • Imam Ghazali -

Youth are the next generation of the nation's development struggle. There are many examples of young people who have succeeded in building and contributing to their nation in their own ways. Likewise with today's youth, especially youth who are members of the AcSES ( Association of Sharia Economic Studies ) organization, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga . As a means to achieve this goal, AcSES held KAFILAH (Muamalah Fiqh Study), namely a study that discusses things that occur in the economic sector from an Islamic perspective. In the management period 2017 – 2018, AcSES has conducted 5 (five) studies held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga .

The first caravan was held on March 9 2018. The study which took place in the Mindrowo Hall, FEB, UNAIR had the theme "Observing Zakat is a Reflection of a Great People". Study completed by Dr. Imron Mawardi (Lecturer in Islamic Economics, FEB UNAIR), explained the influence of zakat in the context of human development if implemented well. If zakat can become a source of the APBN, then this will help the government spend a lot in alleviating poverty in society, not only that, zakat can also solve other macro and micro problems in this country if managed well and appropriately.

On April 13 2018, the second CARAFLAH was held again with an extraordinary speaker, namely Dr. Imron Mawardi as speaker with the theme "Sharia Fintech Challenges in Indonesia". Taking place in the Mindrowo Hall, KAFILAH this time discussed the latest issues, namely financial transactions through financial technology (fintech), then the development of fintech in Indonesia and the world, as well as the role of sharia-based fintech in Indonesia in making the use of fintech a success.

Furthermore, the third CARAFLAH was held on May 15 2018 at the Soepoyo Hall. In collaboration with FoSSEI (National Islamic Economic Study Forum) with the title Amil Goes to Campus, Amil Goes to Campus this time seeks to provide knowledge and understanding regarding the profession of amil (zakat collector) to students, including what the future prospects are and show the students' potential. can get involved. Amil Goes to Campus presented several speakers, including Agung Wicaksono (FoSSEI National Presidium), Drs. Syamsul Bahri (Head of the East Java Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion), Abdul Ghofur (Director of Mandiri Amal Humans), and Rizki Okto Priansyah (Executive Director of the BSM National Amil Zakat Institute).

Then, on September 7 2018 the fourth CARFILAH was present with the theme "Getting to Know Sharia Insurance in the Millennial Era" in room 316. The speaker was also no less interesting, Iis Rofiatin (Secretary of East Java Regional FoSSEI Development 2010 - 2011) was present and willing to share his knowledge with the participants CARAVAN. He introduced the importance of having insurance in life, especially when unexpected events occur. Apart from that, KAFILAH participants are also invited to plan their finances for future needs, including a simple financial planning simulation which is very easy to try and put into practice.

As the closing of the 2018 CARFILAH period, AcSES brought back this study on 19 October 2018. Presenting Tegar Rismanuar Nurnyitmawan (Sharia banking practitioner and AcSES alumni). The last caravan had the theme "Becoming a Young Sharia Transaction Pioneer". This study discusses sharia transactions and the urgency to apply them in everyday life, as well as discussing current issues in society, especially in the economic sector.