"English Skills Sharpening Program"

    AED is one of the work programs organized by the AcSES faculty level student organization. This work program is useful in improving the English language skills of FEB students who are members of AcSES. The 2018 AED mentors or teachers are AcSES students who have fairly good English skills and also alumni of the 2014 class of English literature students named Mei Indah Sari. There is no cost whatsoever to take part in this work program.

    AcSES English Day has been taking place since March 15 2018, starting with a pretest. Then on April 27 2018 AED discussed Part of Speech part 1. The next AED discussed the implementation of part of speech (Part of speech 2) which was held on May 4 2018. Next it was held on September 6 2018 which was filled with a Listening section . The committee used two songs, English vocabulary followed by speaking up about the essence of the songs they listened to. Then, it continued on October 18 2018. This work program was carried out from 18.00 to 20.40 WIB. Finally, the posttest was held on November 1 2018 in room 204.

    It is hoped that the existence of AcSES English Day will be a provision for AcSESors in using English, especially AcSESors who want to take part in competitions or conferences , and so on for overseas needs. AcSESors here can learn English from listening to word structure or grammar. One of the success indicators of AED is the increase in AED posttest scores and every participant who takes AED has the courage to speak English even though they still use mixed languages ​​(English and Indonesian).