Friday, November 9 2018 was the last meeting on the Srikandi AcSES agenda. This moment was very special because it was attended by the majority of new FEB Unair students who were very enthusiastic about taking part in this event. The theme of Srikandi this time is Productive Muslim Women Contributing to Islam with a cool speaker, namely Ika, an alumni of the 2013 Islamic Economics study program. Starting with a question from the speaker to all the Srikandi participants present, namely "What is your contribution so far to Islam?" This question looks very difficult, but the participants seem to have contributed even a little to Islam. Starting from switching the use of conventional banks to sharia banks, studying Islamic economics, and trying to be steadfast in implementing Islamic law. Then the next question is "What does productive mean?" The meaning of productive in this case is doing something useful so that it produces good things. The discussion continued until the Muslim women of Rasullaullah's time contributed greatly to Islam. One of them is Siti Khadijah who supports the Prophet's preaching in various aspects ranging from physical to financial. Then there was Siti Asiyah, Pharaoh's wife, who believed in the beliefs of the Prophet Musa and was very gentle in behaving towards everyone. This discussion ended promptly at 12.30 with a joint prayer.